Which I did when I paid a second visit to Tehidy Woods this morning, can say though I did not come across anyone having a picnic (To darn cold ). So nice and early and not very many people around and it was just like having the whole woods to myself. Tehidy is the largest woodland in West Cornwall with quite a few miles of walks with several circular ones so you can cover specific areas. So this mornings agenda was to add a couple of woodland birds to my year list, being Nuthatch and Treecreeper, well at least I managed one when I found a Nuthatch high up in a tree and managed to get my first shots of this little beauty this year. So the post tonight is scenes from Tehidy with some of the local residents, the shot of the day I missed was when I was looking through my viewfinder and a Robin landed on the camera hotshoe about 1in from my eyes and when I tried to get the compact out of my pocket it flew onto a branch above my head. Another real suprise was when I came across a pair of Otters at the far end of my walk, now that was really a stroke of luck as you can see from my last shot.

OTTERS (Well you cant blame me for Dreaming ).
So thats my visit to Tehidy today, and sorry the posts are few and far between at the moment, but I have had quite a few other things to do over the last week,and still have all my garden to tidy up and pot and container plants to sort out ready for the Spring and Summer. So I hope to catch up on all your Blogs during this week.