I spent last weekend jumping between work and and play, firstly I have got the garden finished so things should be a bit easier from now on. Went down to Marazion on Saturday & Sunday morning, and finally nailed the Baird's Sandpiper and also two Little Stint, that was until people of a less educated stature walked right through the middle oF them and they disappeared off towards the Mount. This was after they were asked politely to walk around the area. It was then over to the Marsh to see if the Spotted Crake was still around, It was possibly the wrong time of day as it is mostly seen early morning or late afternoon. There is also a Bittern in residence at the moment so thats something to try and get on the year list. Anyway all was not lost as suddenly there was a flash of Blue And Orange and a Kingfisher flew across and landed in the reeds opposite. It gave me about three minutes of Photo opportunity. It was stiil a little to far for the lens, so the photo in the post is quite heavily cropped. As it was National Moth Night on Sat and Sunday I set the moth Trap up, I have been concerned about the number of Moths being trapped as it has dropped dramaticly this year. So after spending an hour in the garden on Sat evening I have found the problem. The Council have replaced a streetlight with a new Sodium lamp which is very bright about 6 metres from my back garden, and there were lots of Moths flitting around it. I dont think there is anything that can be done about it. Well I had better stop waffling on, so the only other thing was on Sunday afternoon I took a walk across Buller Downs. So the post tonight is a selection of the weekends activities.

Nature's Larder.
So it would seem summer is almost over as the mornings and evenings are getting darker. Nature can still put on a colourful show with all the autum berries for birds to feast on, and still some lovely flowers for the necter searchers to sip on. With the late surge of warm weather There is plenty of food for everyone at the moment.
Once again I have messed up on my Moth ID, The Ear Moth is in fact a Square Spot Rustic, and the Fan Foot is a Snout. So many thanks again to John Swann for pointing this out to me. I must admit I find identifying some of them very frustrating. Maybe I should not name them. No I will not do that because then I would not learn anything. So John please keep giving the benefit of your expertise as it is much appreciated.