This is another update on Sundays activities as I hoped the Raven v Buzzard aerobatics warranted a post on its own.
On Sunday morning Met up with my Friend Mark and we headed off to Lands End to see if anything special had turned up. It was very quiet species wise although there were plenty of Whitethroats and one Redpoll was observed, so just took an area shot for the Blog.
Looking towards Cape Cornwall from Lands End.
It was just after this that we received a call to say that a Golden Oriole had been heard singing at Trevean Pool Porthgwarra. Arrived at the top of Porthgwarra and made our way to Trevean Pool through an area known as 60 foot cover. This area is between Porthgwarra and Nanjizel valley. So spent about an hour here but nothing was seen or heard so think the bird had moved on through as they don't linger very long.
Trevean Pool area between Porthgwarra and Nanjizel, person in the foreground is my Pal Mark.
After this it was time to head for home, and spent the afternoon around the house and sitting in the back yard where I took the Raven/Buzzard episode. Only other thing of note are a couple of Magpie Flight shots which bring out the beautiful markings on these Birds. So I will leave you with these until the next time.
