This item is to acknowledge the work of 771 Squadron Search and Rescue. these Pilots , Aircrew and Ground Crew are on standby 7 days a week 365 days a year for any emergency, be it someone falling down cliffs, swimmers in trouble in the sea, ships in trouble in horrendous weather many hundreds of miles out in the Atlantic or picking up injured seamen. These Guys in their Red and Grey Sea Kings are always there when needed. So on behalf of everyone who has needed their services a really big
The main reason for going to this years air show was to see The DE HAVILLAND SEA VIXEN, this is an early Jet from the 1950's and 1960's, and as a boy I can remember flights of them occasionally crossing the skies. So as I stated earlier the rain cleared and late in the afternoon it took off and performed a display that made the hairs stand on end. Such grace and ability in the sky was a pleasure to see. So I will leave you with some of the seventy plus shots that I took of this beautiful Metal Bird.